Communicating results to support erionite research and risk management

Journal articles

Patel J, Brook M, Kah M, Hamilton A, Gamberini MC, Zoboli C, Mugnaioli E, Malferrari D, Fantini R, Arletti R, Gualtieri AF (2024). Characterization and potential toxicity of asbestiform erionite from Gawler Downs, New Zealand. American Mineralogist

Talbot, N., Patel., H., Costello, S.B., Davy, P., Salmond., J.A., Brook, M., Dirks, K., (2024) A mobile method for the screening of vehicle-induced airborne fibres from roads in high development residential areas. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 15, 2, February 2024, 102007.

Liu, W., Tadaki, M., Allen., K., & Salmond, J.A., (2024) Managing emerging environmental risks when we do not know enough about them: anticipatory risk management approaches for environmental planning. Environmental Science and Policy, 155 (2024) 103715

McBride, D (2023). When the dust settles, will pleural plaques be linked to gravel roads? New Zealand

Talbot N, Dirks KN, Fan W, Patel H,
Costello SB, Brook M, Davy P (2022),
Reanalysis of historic elemental speciation filters to investigate the presence of fibrous mineral particles using microscopy techniques. Frontiers in Chemistry.

Hamilton AR, Brook MS, Patel JP, Talbot N. (2022). Analysis and occurrence of fibrous erionite minerals in
New Zealand: some technical notes. New Zealand Geomechanics 104: 72-76.

Patel JP, Brook MS, Kah M, Hamilton A. (2022). Global geological occurrence and character of the carcinogenic zeolite mineral, erionite: A review. Frontiers in Chemistry.

Brook M, Patel J (2021). Erionite asbestiform fibres and health risk in Aotearoa/New Zealand: A research note. New Zealand Geographer Volume 77, Issue 2: 123-129.

Brook MS, Black PM, Salmond J, Dirks K, Berry T-A, Steinhorn G. (2019). Exposure to erionite: health effects and implications for geotechnical risk management in the New Zealand construction sector. New Zealand Geomechanics News 98: 78-81.

Brook MS, Black PM, Salmond J, Dirks K, Berry T-A, Steinhorn G. (2020). Erionite in Auckland bedrock and malignant mesothelioma: an emerging public and occupational health hazard? New Zealand Medical Journal 133(1518): 73-78.

Conference presentations

Salmond, J.A. and Tadaki, M. (2024). Bridging the gap between scientists and decision makers: magic numbers and the risks of emerging environmental pollutants. Annual Conference of the American Association of Geographers, April 16-19th, Hawaii.

Salmond, J.A. (2024) Erionite and the challenges of measuring emerging pollutants which are toxic at low concentrations. Air Talks online seminar series, New Zealand Aerosol Assembly (ANZAA) for the Clean Air Society of Australia and New Zealand (CASANZ).

Cook M, Brook M, Cave M. (2024). InSAR monitoring of slope movements in Gisborne, New Zealand. Australian and New Zealand Geomorphology Group 20th Biennial Conference, February 12-16, Gisborne. [presented erionite data from soils in landslide scarp in Gisborne]

Lui, W., Policy challenges of latency, uncertainty, and natural occurrence in risk mitigation: The curious
case of carcinogenic erionite in New Zealand (2023) Society of Risk Analysis 2023, Sweden.

Brook M (2023). Infrastructure management in problematic rocks and soils: an engineering geological perspective. 26th Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials, 3-6 December, Auckland, New Zealand.

Kumar S, Kah S, Brook M, Hamilton A. (2023). Occurrence and fate of Erionite in soil: a review. Pacific Islands Science Technology and Resources Network Annual Conference (STAR 2023), Suva, 21-24 November.

Patel JP, Brook MS, Gualtieri AF, Kah M, Hamilton A (2023). Emerging insights into the geological occurrence and morphology of New Zealand erionite. In: Frontin-Rollet, GE and Nodder, SD (eds) Geoscience Society of New Zealand Annual Conference, 13-16 November: Abstracts Volume GSNZ Miscellaneous Publication 164A: p186.

Kumar S, Kah M, Brook M, Hamilton A (2023). A review of occurrence, fate, and environmental pathways of erionite in soil. In: Frontin-Rollet, GE and Nodder, SD (eds) Geoscience Society of New Zealand Annual Conference, 13-16 November: Abstracts Volume GSNZ Miscellaneous Publication 164A: p134.

Patel JP, Brook M, Gualtieri AF, Kah M, Hamilton A. (2023). Novel Insights into the Characteristics of Erionite in New Zealand. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, 15-18 October

Patel J, Brook M, Hamilton A, Gamberini MC, Mugnaioli E, Malferrari D, Gualtieri AF. (2023). The crystal structure of asbestiform erionite from New Zealand. 50th Meeting of the Italian Crystallographic Association, Bologna 5-8 September. 

Hamilton AR, Patel JP, Brook MS. (2023). Understanding Mordenite in New Zealand: Defining and Distinguishing. Australasian Institute for Mining & Metallurgy – Enabling a Sustainable Future, Christchurch, 21-22 August

Patel JP, Brook MS, Gualtieri AF, Kah M, Hamilton A. (2023). New data on the geology and characteristics of erionite in New Zealand. Australasian Institute for Mining & Metallurgy – Enabling a Sustainable Future, Christchurch, 21-22 August. 

Zelman-Fahm D, The Utility of GIS for Assessing Exposure Risk (2023) ESRI Regional User Group, 31

Patel JP, Brook M, Gualtieri AF, Kah M, Hamilton A (2023). New data on the geology and characteristics of
erionite in New Zealand. European Geoscience Union, Austria, 26 April, EGU23-2917

Patel J, Brook MS, Gualtieri A, Kah M, Hamilton A. (2023). A systematic study of the characteristics and
geological occurrence of erionite in New Zealand. FAMANZ 2023 conference, Auckland, 20-21 March.

Hamilton A, Vidanovich P, Patel J, Brook MS. (2022). Utilising geophysics to identify potential Erionite
mineralisation. Australasian Institute of Mining & Metallurgy, Rotorua, 21 September.

Patel J, Brook MS, Kah M, Hamilton A. (2022). Erionite in New Zealand: geological occurrence and
mineralogical characterand a preliminary risk assessment. Australasian Institute of Mining & Metallurgy,
Rotorua, 21 September.

Talbot, N., Dirks K.N., Davy, P., Brook, M., Patel, H., Zaayman, M., Fan, W., Salmond, J. (2022) ‘Searching
foran Erionite Needle in an Airshed. The search for erionite across Auckland.’ Australia and NZ Clean Air
Society Conference, 12-14 Sept.

Zelman-Fahm D, The Temporal And Spatial Characteristics Of Modelling Risk And Exposure Of The
Carcinogenic Fibrous Mineral Erionite (2022), New Zealand Geospatial Research Conference, 30 August

Brook MS, Patel J, Di Giuseppe D, Scognamiglio V, Gualtieri A, Kah M, Hamilton A. (2022). Erionite in
Auckland, New Zealand: occurrence, characterand preliminary assessment. 23rd International
Mineralogical Association, France, 18-22 July

Patel J, Brook M, Di Giuseppe D, Scognamiglio V, Gualtieri A, Kah, M, Hamilton A. (2022). Erionite in New Zealand: initial assessment and characterization. EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, 23-27 May, EGU22-6659.

Talbot, N., Dirks, K., Davy, P., Patel, H., Fan, W., Brook, M., Salmond, J. (2022). Searching for fibrous erionite in air and dust samples across an urban Southern Hemisphere airshed. European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Austria, 23-27 May 2022.

Brook M, Ram A, Patel J, Kaith R, Kah M, Hamilton A. (2021). Naturally Occurring Mineral Fibres as Environmental Hazards: Examples from the South-West Pacific. The Pacific Islands Science, Technology and Resources Conference (STAR), 25–26 November 2021, p.10.

Brook M, Berry T-A, Black P, Dirks K, Salmond J, Steinhorn G, Adam L, Patel J (2020). Zeolitic erionite in New Zealand: health implications for ground engineering. EAGE-GSM 3rd Asia Pacific Meeting on Near Surface Geoscience & Engineering, Kuala Lumpur, 2-5 November.

Salmond JA, Brook M, Black P, Berry T-A, Dirks K, Steinhorn G, Wallis S. (2020). Bridging the gap: the difficulties of providing a scientific evidence.  New Zealand Geographical Society Conference, Wellington, November 2020.

Brook M, Berry T-A, Black P, Dirks K, Salmond J, Steinhorn G, Adam L, Patel J. (2019). Zeolitic erionite in the Auckland region and implications for tunnelling and excavations. In: Kamp, PJJ and Pittari, A eds. Abstract Volume: Geosciences 2019, Hamilton, New Zealand. Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication 154A. p 28.

News articles on erionite

“A crash course: What you need to know about New Zealand’s toxic rock – erionite” by David McBride in New Zealand Doctor.

“What lies beneath: is this the new asbestos?” by Jennifer Salmond and Martin Brook in Newsroom.

Information videos

Research on dust particles in the atmospher: Introduction to an air quality monitor.

Click the play button below to view the video.